About Us
The Racing League, founded in July 2020 has already created incredible memories that will last a lifetime, and there’s more to come, so why did we create The Racing League?
We created The Racing League to enable everyone to feel the unbridled thrill of owning premium racehorses competing at the highest level in the sport.
We strive to create magic moments and bring mates together regularly. Horse racing is, by its very nature, thrilling, but the experience of owning a stable of racehorses amplifies this a thousandfold and has the potential to create magical moments that last a lifetime. This is why we exist, to enable as many people as possible to experience something truly special that was previously reserved for the few.
We consider ourselves fortunate that we are working in roles that can deliver so many people so much joy, and we are now so excited to be able to combine the indescribable thrill of affordable racehorse ownership with the opportunity for owners to also win BIG.
Go you good thing!

© The Racing League 2020 - Team Husslers ARSN 643 759 531. @ The Racing League 2020 - Team Tycoons ARSN 643 762 092. © The Racing League 2020 - Team Rogues ARSN 643 761 620. The Racing League Pty Ltd (Authoried Rep #001283358 of AFSL 223671) “Micro-share” refers to a unit of a class (e.g. Class A, Class B, etc.) in The Racing League 2020 - Team Husslers ARSN 643 759 531 (Scheme), promoted by The Racing League Pty Ltd “(Authorised Rep 001283358 of AFSL 223671)”.Investments of this nature are speculative. Refer to the relevant PDS before investing.