Can I join multiple teams?
Yes, you may purchase units in multiple teams. Giving you more chances to win BIG.
How much prize money is on offer in Season 3?
There is over $250,000 in cash that will be won by owners throughout the season.
What is the breakdown of the $250,000 prize money for Season 3?
1 x $50,000 awarded to the Premiership winning team, 1 owner wins the lot!
12 x $17,500: Every month $10,000 is awarded to the team finishing top of the table for that month, $5,000 is awarded to the team finishing 2nd, $2,500 is awarded to the team finishing 3rd. Upto a maximum of 10 owners in each team will win the monthly prize.
How are points awarded on The Racing League ladder?
Points are based on prize money won. If one of your horses wins $12,500 in prize money, your team gains 12,500 points on the ladder. The ladder is continuously updated at www/trl.net/ladder
Why is TRL offering cash prizes?
TRL will always aim to make racehorse ownership as fun and exciting as it can be. We aim to create magical moments for owners, and we are now excited to be able to combine the indescribable thrill of affordable racehorse ownership with the opportunity for owners to also win BIG.
Each month, in addition to the thrill of seeing your stable of horses race, and winning your share of prize money earned on the track, you now have an additional interest in the League with extra significance being placed on where your team sits on the ladder, on both a monthly and season basis.
How do I win the $50,000 cash prize?
All owners from the Winning TRL team will go into a random draw, with ONE (1) owner winning $50,000 in cash!
The number of entries you have in the draw is depedent on how many units you have held throughout the Racing League Season. For example, if you have held 1 unit per month for the entire 12 months, you will have 12 entries to the draw. If you have held 5 units for 10 months, you will have 50 entries into the draw. If you held 1 unit for 6 months and then increased your units to 2 for 6 months you will have 18 entries in the draw (1 x 6 + 2 x 6)
How does a team win the monthly cash prize?
Monthly cash prizes are based on where your team finishes in the League for the month.
For the team with the most points for that particular month, they will be awarded $10,000
2nd place receives $5,000
3rd place receives $2,500
Note: Your team could be 3rd on the overall season ladder, but if it is top of the ladder for the specific month, you are in with a chance of winning $10,000
Is the Monthly cash prize shared amongst all owners?
No. All owners are in the running to win their share of the cash, but it’s not distributed on a pro-rata basis. A maximum of 10 owners per team will win the monthly cash prize. Terms & Conditions apply, please review them at www.trl.net/documentation
When is the monthly draw conducted?
At 12:00pm on the first working day after the conclusion of each calendar month
How will the monthly cash draw work?
There are two random draws to determine 1) how many owners will win the cash and 2) the name of the owners who will win the cash
The first draw is conducted through a wheel of fortune, the wheel determines whether, 1, 2, 5 or 10 owners share the monthly cash prize for the specific team.
The second draw determines which owners win the monthly cash prize.
The number of entries you have in the draw is commensurate with the number of units you own in the team. If you own 1 unit you have 1 entry, if you own 10 units you have 10 entries.
How do I get owner benefits like mounting yard access?
You’ll get the full race day experience with other owners. Special trainer and jockey briefings before and after the race. There’s a 20-person limit on mounting yard entry for safety reasons. You’ll be notified of a ballot system earlier in the week, which will be managed over time to allow as many owners as possible to enjoy the ultimate race day experience.
Can 10 people buy together?
No. Units are sold on an individual basis, with one unit holder per account.
When does the subscription commence?
Your $27.50 per unit subscription commences as soon as you purchase a unit in your team.
If I buy one unit and someone buys 10 units, do they have 10x influence on decision making
Yes they do. 1 unit equals 1 vote and 1 entry into the monthly and season-ending cash draw. If you buy 10 units you have 10 votes on decisions and 10 entries into the draw.
Can you switch teams within The Racing League?
No, and we encourage loyalty. If you wish to join another team you can, but you can’t switch the ownership you have in 1 team into a different team.
What happens if I pay the $260 joining fee and then can't pay for my subscription?
Unfortunately, if you cannot afford to pay the subscription or the annual $60 horse acquisition contribution for your team you will surrender your ownership rights.
Is there a discount for paying subscriptions up-front?
There is no discount for an upfront subscription payment
Why is The Racing League better than being in a punters club?
There is no comparison and they are two very different things. A punters club isn’t ownership of a horse, and doesn’t provide all the benefits of being an owner in The Racing League.
Why is TRL better than purchasing a small share via a syndication?
Despite a significantly lower buy-in price, TRL are able to purchase on our owner’s behalf premium-level racehorses that are often at the top end of the quality spectrum, this enables owners in The Racing League to own premium-level thoroughbreds that are often out of reach of the lower cost syndicators. In addition, by owning in The Racing League, you get to own more horses with significantly lower financial risk compared to traditional syndications.
Can I sell my unit and transfer my ownership?
Yes. If you are able to arrange for someone to purchase your unit from you, then TRL will assist with the transfer
Will TRL issue more than the 10,000 units on offer per team?
No, All teams are capped at 10,000 units
Where does my $27.50 per month subscription go?
Your monthly subscription fee covers all costs related to the ongoing costs of maintaining all aspects of your ownership in your team, this includes all training and welfare costs for each of your horses, nutrition, vet, and transportation costs as well as all ongoing operational costs of running all aspects of The Racing League
Where does my $260 Joining Fee go?
Your one-time fee goes directly to your unit trust and funds the purchase of your horses
Where does the annual $60 Horse Acquisition fee go?
Each year, all owners in each team contribute $60 to fund the purchase of new horses for their team (depending on the amount of money that is available in your team’s trust fund) , this money goes directly to your teams unit trust. This annual contribution is essential to ensure your team can continue to go from strength to strength and can offset any potential retirements or sales that have occurred throughout the season.
Is there a discount for multiple units purchased?
How can I watch my horses race on TV?
You can watch your horses run through the following free services
What happens if one of my horses retires during the season?
TRL is fully committed to the ongoing welfare of your horse in retirement. From a competitive perspective, if your horse is retired during the season, depending on team funds available in the team trust accounts, it may not be replaced until the following season when the $60 horse acquisition fund enables sufficient funds to be raised to enable the acquisition of another horse for your team.
Am I allowed to bet on horses that I own?
Can we change who trains our horses?
We are committed to ensuring your horses are trained by the best in the business, and you have the best possible chance of success. From time to time there may be a need or a requirement to relocate one of your horses to a new trainer. In the event this occurs, as an owner you will be offered the opportunity to vote on who trains your horse moving forward.
How do I vote on major decisions?
You can vote through the TRL App, or by clicking on the link you will receive via an email that we send to you. Our processes ensure voting is made easy for you.
How often will I receive updates on my horses?
We ask your trainers to communicate regularly, whilst one update per week per horse is our defined standard, there may be periods where you receive multiple updates on a single horse in the same week whereas for another horse who is perhaps spelling you will receive less frequent updates. When one of your horses is due to race you will receive multiple emails confirming the race nomination, weights, race acceptance, and specific updates from your trainer regarding the race itself, how your horse is expected to be ridden and its chances in the race based on the field and the form of your horse.
If there are limited owners tickets available on race days, how are they allocated?
We try to accommodate all owners, however if particular events are over-subscribed we conduct a random ballot to determine which owners receive the tickets.
Can I join any team?
Yes. The only possible disadvantage is that most race day events will likely occur in the state the team is located in. However it is worth noting that some TRL teams have already raced in group races in others states. Anything is possible in racing!
What are the ownership rules for TRL?
There are many rules, and too many to mention here, please refer to the PDS for your respective team at www.trl.net/documentation
What is the prize money for winning the premiership?
$50,000 and one owner from the winning team will win the lot
Is there an age limit on who can purchase?
Yes. You must be over 18 years of age to purchase a unit a team in The Racing League
How are race winnings distributed?
After industry-standard deductions for trainers, jockeys, strappers, welfare fees and any other extraordinary costs, all the prize money goes to unit holders, paid on a quarterly basis. The Racing League does not retain any prize money.
How often will my horses race?
It’s always hard to know for sure as each horse is different. On average 5-10 times a year. We aim for each team to have approximately one runner per week throughout the year. 52 race starts per team, this is an aim and cannot be guaranteed.
Can I meet my horses?
Yes, you are an owner. We will attempt to organise stable visits, functions and the opportunity to visit your horse on race days as much as is possible.
Can my horse race anywhere in Australia?
Yes, each team’s horses race in the normal racing ecosystem. Meaning metropolitan, provincial and country meetings not only in your state but any state. The more talented horses will ideally follow the big prize-money carnivals.
Can a team sell a horse?
Yes. When it is deemed that a horse’s career is coming to an end, for transparency reasons we prefer to see your horses sold through a public auction. If horses are unable to be commercially sold, it is the commitment of TRL to provide rehoming of your horses.
Can horses be purchased outside Australia?
Yes, while the majority of yearlings will be purchased from the major domestic sales, horses may be purchased internationally and imported to Australia.
Am I exposed to any legal or insurance risk as a team owner?
No. Please note however that horses owned by teams are not insured by unit owners; this means if there were to be an untimely death of one of your horses, you would not receive financial compensation for the value of the lost horse.
Do I get access to priority ticketing for big race days?
TRL is working together with the Principle Racing Authorities and Race Clubs on exclusive packages. As owners we will always get an allocation of owner passes including mounting yard tickets. TRL use a ballot system to distribute these tickets to owners.
When a horse is retired what happens? Am I up for on-going cost?
TRL is committed to ownership with responsibility. All horses that are unable to be sold commercially will be rehomed. There may be a very small fee to accommodate the rehoming process.
How do we improve my team if we aren’t winning?
Each team purchases new horse(s) every year (depending on the amount of funds available in each unit trust). This ensures new blood is always coming into your team as any slow or injured horses retire. We anticipate teams will be competitive over time as new horses come and older horses retire.
Will I know the history and background of my horses?
Absolutely, it’s all part of the experience. Full pedigrees of your horse will be provided as well as expert comments from our bloodstock agents about the horse’s bloodlines.
Where will my horses be stabled?
Most likely, in the state where your team is based. TRL acquires on behalf of you the owner premium thoroughbreds and engages with some of the best trainers in the world. Most horses will be trained at the major training centres in their particular state.
Are there penalties if I need to cancel my subscription?
There are no penalties for cancellation and you are welcome to find someone to sell or transfer your ownership unit to. If you cannot find someone to sell or transfer your ownership unit to, you can forfeit your ownership unit. If you cancel your ownership, you waive the rights to any future prize money payments, any future horse sale proceeds, and any monthly or season-ending cash prize draws.
What decision making will I be a part of?
Each owner will get to vote on the future of the horses you own, the trainers for your horses, the naming of your horses and other essential ownership decisions.
How do I update my personal/payment details?
Download the TRL Owner App https://trl.shareableapps.com/ and update your details in minutes OR contact TRL for assistance. www.trl.net/contact-us
Is my subscription on an annual basis? Will it automatically roll over? Is there anything I need to do to renew it?
Yes, so long as you remain financial your ownership continues. There is nothing you need to do to renew it.
Are there any other meaningful charges or costs that I need to be aware of?
Initially, purchasing your ownership unit is $260. In the first three months of the calendar year there is an important annual contribution of $60 per unit owned. This contribution is pooled into your team’s trust account, with 100% of proceeds going towards the purchase of new horse(s) for your team.
Will there be TRL and team merchandise available?
Yes, an extensive range of TRL merchandise is available online. https://shop.trl.net/
Does my $27.50 give me access to any owner's events?
Your monthly fee gives you access to team events such as stable visits and other exclusive events including race day functions. Please note Mounting yard access is limited by Race Clubs to 20. If there are more than 20 owners who wish to attend a race day, a ballot will be conducted where those who can attend race day are drawn out at random.
Is there a maximum number of units that I am able to purchase?
A maximum of 50 units are available for each individual. Please contact us if you would like to own more than 50 units.
When can I expect the yearlings in my team to start racing?
All yearlings differ in their development into race-ready 2-year-olds. The mandate to our bloodstock team is to purchase horses that they see as athletes and ones that can deliver TRL owners racing experiences for years to come. With this in mind, the horses will tell their trainers if they are mentally and physically ready to race as early 2yo’s. We will always prioritise the horses best interest in selecting when and where they race.
Can I become an owner if I live overseas?
Yes. However prize money payments need to be made to an Australian Bank account. You would need to provide an Australian BSB and Account Number to receive prize money.
Alternatively, we can apply your prize money as a credit against your TRL account going towards your monthly fees.
If you live overseas you are ineligible to enter the monthly or season ending cash prize draws, unless you have become resident in an eligible state as set out in the terms and conditions

© The Racing League 2020 - Team Husslers ARSN 643 759 531. @ The Racing League 2020 - Team Tycoons ARSN 643 762 092. © The Racing League 2020 - Team Rogues ARSN 643 761 620. The Racing League Pty Ltd (Authoried Rep #001283358 of AFSL 223671) “Micro-share” refers to a unit of a class (e.g. Class A, Class B, etc.) in The Racing League 2020 - Team Husslers ARSN 643 759 531 (Scheme), promoted by The Racing League Pty Ltd “(Authorised Rep 001283358 of AFSL 223671)”.Investments of this nature are speculative. Refer to the relevant PDS before investing.