Raffle sold out

Jul 25, 2022

Horse Racing is full of goodness. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

One of the many beautiful aspects of the racing industry was on show in the last few days, in this case courtesy of thousands of micro owners in The Racing League.

When things get tough, there are certain people who seem to stand up and this awesome bunch chose to stand up for their jockey Leah Kilner.

After raising $59000 (not out) through a GoFund me page established by TRL owners, this significant amount was this week generously matched by Racing NSW. 👏👏👏👏

To follow on Wednesday, The Racing League sold raffle tickets in a trophy won by The Queensland Rogues horse The Big Goodbye on Ipswich Cup Day. This was subsequently the last trophy Leah won, before her very sad fall.

Leah is in a battle and will be for some time and her owners felt the significance of what has happened. So what do this mob do next? 

They snapped up 5000 x $5 raffle tickets for the trophy and added another $24,560 to Leah’s support fund, which in this case was channeled through the National Jockeys Trust.

If RNSW are generous enough to include this in their matching pledge that will mean these wonderful humans have driven a total of $164000 raised for their fallen warrior.

From an absolutely horrible situation with Leah Kilner, we have seen the best of people in racing. TRL owners may not be squilionaires, however together they surely are a wonderful new force in the sport of horse racing

You can still donate at the GoFundMe page at https://www.gofundme.com/f/leah-kilner-rogues-shining-star