Etched In Time – From slow learner to top of the class

Mar 5, 2024

Now this may test your memory but think back to the old school days when some kid in your class could hardly add 2 and 2 together and then at the 10-year reunion he or she is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. 

Well maybe that’s overstating things but it might play out that way for your horse Etched In Time. 

Declared a slow learner by the Freedman camp he went straight to the top of the class on Tuesday leading all the way to salute with Kerrin McEvoy onboard and break his maiden in his 7th start. 

Remember trainer Richard Freedman has always said “He’s like the kid who always wants to the be the class clown and just does stupid things and he’ll only get better with racing”


We are learning more and more about that “class clown”, we now know that “he is much better suited on top of the ground” Trainer Will Freedman said. 

He’s had one start on a Heavy and two on the Slow and while he was never completely uncomfortable on the rain-affected tracks he clearly prefers the firmer service. 

“We were a little bit critical of him in the wet going but we now know he doesn’t like that.” Freedman said. 

Etched In Time Racehorse at Kembla Grange

“He’s doing it all on raw ability at the moment”  Trainer Will Freedman


Along with the track surface, a good barrier (1) allowed jockey Kerrin McEvoy to jump, hold his position on the rail and with no obvious leader Kerrin was happy to take up the role and from there was able to control the tempo – a great ride. 

Kerrin is a class act. 

“I was happy to find the front and he got into a nice rhythm but then that horse in the red came up and put some pressure on us, but once we withstood that we found the lead again and he got into a nice rhythm again. 

“Coming round the corner I thought okay let’s get going now and full credit to him he stuck on and did give a good kick, he was strong so that was good.” Kerrin said.


Etched In Time will probably have just one more run in this preparation. 

It’s also important not to get carried away in the moment and remember that Etched In Time is still a long way from being the finished product. 

“He pulled up well from that run and did a terrific job. 

He’s doing it all on raw ability at the moment, he’s only had the 7 starts and he’s now broken his maiden so he’ll take plenty of confidence from that. 

We won’t rush him, we will just take him through the grades and stick around that 1500m or a Mile mark at the provincial grade, just let him notch as many wins as he can before he finds his mark but there is plenty of room for improvement. 

Next prep I think you are going to see a much improved horse who really enjoys his racing.” Freedman said. 

Winning jockey Kerrin McEvoy can see Etched In Time maybe being stretched out a little further to the Mile.

“He’s open to going a little bit further if you want to because I reckon he’d get in front, prick his ears and go whatever speed you want him to and that’s going to help him go that little bit further. 

It was a good honest run.” McEvoy said. 

Etched In Time Racehorse


There’s no denying that the NSW Tycoons owners have been wonderfully patient since the inception of The Racing League. 

The Tycoons tried horses never quite measured up, The Sherpa turned out to have limited ability and Penso A Lei was unfortunately struck down with injury. 

Despite those setbacks, and there are many in racing, the Tycoons stuck solid and are now being rewarded for their loyalty. 

From rank underdogs, they have already won the BIG CASH in two of the 4 Months in Season 3 of TRL and are now in the box seat to win March (Month 5). 

We won’t go the ‘early crow’ and put the mock on them, but the NSW Tycoons are poised to give the Qld Rogues and the Vic Husslers a real run for the $50,000 CASH on offer for one lucky owner in the premiership team. 

May the best team win. 

Go you good thing!

All images courtesy of Bradley Photos. Owners can purchase framed photos of Etched In Time’s maiden victory and secure an exclusive 15% discount directly on the website. Offer ends Tue 12th March