Trainer Pitch: Tony Gollan

Nov 9, 2020

The fight is well and truly on to become a trainer in The Racing League…and that’s a key decision which is made by YOU.

The standard of trainer and video pitches for YOUR VOTE have been world class.

Kim Waugh was the first and hit the ball “out of the park” before Mark Newnham laid down his own challenge.

Now the Queensland challenge has arrived from a bloke who “bleeds maroon”.

Champion trainer Tony Gollan was more than a promising rugby league player. He represented Queensland in the Under 19s and had aspirations of being a Brisbane Bronco.

But his undenying love of the horse saw him take up horse training full time, talk to Tony and he’ll tell you his learnings from playing “the greatest game of all” have set him up for success in the “the toughest game of all”.

Gollan Racing trainer pitch shot by and produced by play27media