In what is a major development, The Racing League today announces that owners will be asked to bring forward their selection of their team’s trainers.
As an owner, you not only own the players (the horses), and receive the prize money earned by the players, but also make all the important decisions.
Selection of the 6 trainers for each team is one of the most important decisions team owners will make.
Trainers are the ones who will be caring 24/7 for your expensive thoroughbreds. It is the trainer who will need to utilise all their experience in having these thoroughbreds primed to peak health. Taking on the best horses in what just may be in many cases, the biggest races. Trainers need to know when to push the go button and when to make the call that it’s time for a break.
More than just race day
In choosing a trainer, TRL encourages team owners to consider also the type of trainer they want for their team, what sort of person are they? There will be a lot of communication from your trainer in the lead up to them racing. This can be a captivating aspect of the experience.
Helping with the decision
The Racing League is asking trainers to pitch to team owners. We have asked trainers to articulate who they are and what is unique about their stable. These pitch videos will help you choose trainers by delving into who they are as people.Expect to meet many different personalities and many different skill sets and specialties.
The process
- Trainers will now start sharing their TRL pitches. They must have a pitch video to be in contention as a trainer in TRL
- We will then arrange webinars with trainers so you can get to know them further
- Share your thoughts and questions on socials
- Voting is then opens for a week only
- You must be an owner in TRL to vote
- Team managers will then collate your votes and announce team trainers
Be part of the decision making
You must be an owner to have your say on who trains your team. If you haven’t signed up, now is the time. Purchase your share here.